January 24, 2012

Team Anna in Jalandhar Today ( 24-0-12 ) Candle Light Procession at 5.15 PM

Great excitement prevails in Jalandhar Among the Aam Aadmi and the Youth regarding the visit of Team Anna . Anna Hazare has been hailed as the Saviour f the Common Man .

Team Anna to Visit Punjab -Jalandhar on 24 - 25-01-12 - Aam Voters Thrilled

Schedule    / Tour of Team Anna

Tuesday - 24-01-2012

Amritsar - Public Meeting at 60 International , Court Road from 12 Noon to 3.00 PM


Tuesday - 24-01-2012

 Rally Starts from GT Road Kartarpur 4.00 PM
Rally from Maqsoodan to Dr. Ambedkar Chowk Jalandhar  - 5 .00 PM
Torch Rally from Dr. Ambedkar Chowk to Desh Bhagat Yaadgaar Hall 5.15 PM
Public Meeting at Desh Bhagat Yaadgar Hall - 6.00 PM

Wednesday 25-01-2012


Departure From JalandharForPhagwara 8.00 AM
Lovely Technical University Campus : 8.30 AM
Shri Hargobind Nagar Phagwara : 9.30  AM

Nawanshahr ( Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar )

Mehli Gate : 10.,30 AM
Welcome at Banga : 11 AM
Shaheed - e- Azam Bhagat Singh Memorial Khatkar Kalan : 11.15AM
Welcome at Nawanshahr : 11.45 AM
Public Rally : Doaba Arya School Ground , Rahon Road : 12 .00 Noon


Public Meeting at New Grain Market , Ludhiana 4 .00 PM



Contact :

Jalandhar : 98767 - 61681
                 95305 - 44300

Nawanshahr : 97816 - 02700
                      98780 -16888

Phagwara  94173- 66264

Amritsar  97798 - 54784

Ludhiana - 93571 - 49591

Punjab Against Corruption And Blatant Discrimination on Vote Bank Basis

There is overwhelming support in Punjab , especially among the Aam Aadmi and Youth. SMS and emails are being used to spread Team Anna 's message

  The Aam Aadmi of Punjab is fed up with Corruption and  Middle Classes wishing to be counted in this atmosphere of Vote Bank politics.Middle Class feels the time has come to Vote collectively  on 30-01-2012 ( like other Vote Banks  ) in the Punjab Assembly Elections- 2012

Guidance is being sought from Team Anna regarding the candidates .



- Ashwani Kumar  Aggarwal

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Aam Voters of Punjab Struggle For :-

Why is Petrol in Punjab costlier by Rs. 8 per Liter than in neighbouring Haryana ?

Why is CHOONGI ( and also VAT ) levied on Urban Petrol consumers and CHOONGI on Urban Electricity when CHOONGI has been abolished in Punjab ?

Why is Electricity @ Rs. 6 + per Unit  charged when the rate in neighbouring Himachal Pradesh is around Rs. 3 Per Unit.?

Why are Urban Businessmen in Punjab charged Electricity at Penal Rates ( euphemistically termed as COMMERCIAL while on Vote Bank basis Electricity is being given Free to some ?

Why at the mushrooming Toll Tax Plazas are Nano and Maruti 800 cars charged at the same rate as a BMW ?

Why are Physically Handicapped NOT INCLUDED in the very Long List of those Exempted at the Toll Plazas ?

Why are  Red Lights  on Cars ( a major traffic hazard ) not checked ?

In Punjab Petrol @ Rs.100 Per Liter And Electricity @ Rs. 10 Per Unit- Post Assembly Elections

The Vote Banks motivated election manifestos of all major parties have announced the Doomsday for the already exploited ( called Modern day Jazia victims of Punjab ) Middle Class ( i.e.  Aam Aadmi - the Non Vote Bank Segment )

How can any  bankrupt and heavily indebted Punjab State Government  finance the massive Freebies being promised to their chosen Vote Banks ?

No party or candidate is going to use his own money.

The already exploited and ignored Middle Class and Aam Aadmi is going to be made to pay for these Vote Bank splurges.

Thank God Nature has provided Fresh Air and Sunshine to all. Other wise Vote Bank politics would have imposed VAT and other taxes  for Urban Non Vote Bank Punjabis

Youth of Punjab Comes Forward

The candidates are mistaken in categorising the Aam Aadmi as a Non Vote Bank segment.  The Youth of Punjab is coming out ( SMS and Emails ) to select common candidate and emerge as the Most Powerful Vote Bank. Traditional Vote calculations are all going to be proven  wrong this time .

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