January 26, 2012

Only Sikh Soldiers' Valour Could Control Waziristan ( Under The British )

Waziristan is a Tribal Area ( now  in Pakistan ) along the Afghanistan border. The Pashtuns  in the 19 th and early 20 th century very effectively challenged the military might of World Biggest Empire at that time - The British. In the 21st century Waziristan is proving to very frustrating militarily for the USA (
Target of many present day Drone Attacks )

Please note that it is also apparent from the Reverse Side of the Medal where an English Officer is shown with a Sikh Soldier that the British could   control the Martial Tribes of  Afghanistan because of the Valiant Sikh Soldiers.

Before the British it was the Sher - e- Punjab , Maharaja Ranjit Singh and his legendary General , Hari Singh Nalwa who could control the rebellious tribes.

Jalandhar Thinkers feel that USA should learn from the British .

Waziristan 1901-2 War Medal Silver - Very Rare

Waziristan 1901 -2 Campaign - War Medal- India Medal ( Seventh and Last in the Series of India Medal ( for Afghanistan Campaigns - Only in the Series With Edward VII on Obverse . The earlier 6 India Medal Series have Victoria on the Obverse  )

Edward VII


Weight : Around 45 grammes

Awardee 's Name on Rim


A Sikh Soldier Along With a British Officer