January 25, 2012

Happy Republic Day -2012

On the Republic Day we reiterate our pride for our country . While we have done well we could have done better.

Republic Day celebrates the promulgation of our constitution ( which totally did away with notional British monarchy and made India a Republic )

Constitution was the result of the brilliant work done by the Constituent Assembly under the legendary Dr. BR Ambedkar.

Constituent Assembly was formed in 1946 . Most important point is that at the time of its initial formation in 1946 Constituent assembly of India   had both Congress and Muslim League leaders in it. It would have been great had some sort of Union ( rather than complete
 Partition ) of India and Pakistan been worked out . ( Most of the controversial issues between Pakistan and India have arisen because there can never be total separation between the two countries  These outstanding issues are there not because the two countries are so separate but because Pakistan and India have so much in common ) 

Insignia of the Constituent Assembly ( Map showing United India )

The Constitution could have been promulgated  on 23 rd January to coincide with  the Birth Anniversary of Netaji Subhash Chander Bose , one of India 's greatst and most revered National Heroes .It would have signalled  that Netaji led " Arzi Hukumat -Azad Hind ( Provisional Government of Free India ) during World War II had , finally ,become " Asli Hukumat- Azad Hind " ( Real Government of Free India )

Please click on the Map on the Top ( Red colour )

Happy Republic Day- Rare Photos and Letters of Former Prime Ministers of India ( from blog writer 's collectibles )

Autographed Photo

Signed By Smt. Indira Gandhi

Letter is Written on an Aerogramme
Very Rare Postal History 

Autograph in Hindi ( very Rare )

Celebrate Republic Day on 23 rd January - Netaji Subhash Chander's Birth Anniversary

Jalandhar Thinkers wish that India 's Republic Day be celebrated on 23 rd January to coincide with the Birth Anniversary of one of the greatest National figures and the grand  Hero of India 's freedom struggle Netaji Subhash Chander Bose.

Republic Day is observed to mark the implementation of India's Constitution and the day when India dissociated completely from the British Crown and thus became a Republic.

This is the Day when the Arzi Hukumat Azad Hind ( Provisional Government of Free India ) based at Singapore became ASLI HUKUMAT AZAD HIND ( Real Government of Free India )

Jai Hind

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