January 29, 2012

Anti Incumbency In Punjab Polls - Anger Against Electricity and Petrol Rates

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Aam Voters of Punjab Struggle For :-

Why is Petrol in Punjab costlier by Rs. 8 per Liter than in neighbouring Haryana ?

Why is CHOONGI ( and also VAT ) levied on Urban Petrol consumers and CHOONGI on Urban Electricity when CHOONGI has been abolished in Punjab ?

Why is Electricity @ Rs. 6 + per Unit  charged when the rate in neighbouring Himachal Pradesh is around Rs. 3 Per Unit.?

Why are Urban Businessmen in Punjab charged Electricity at Penal Rates ( euphemistically termed as COMMERCIAL while on Vote Bank basis Electricity is being given Free to some ?

Why at the mushrooming Toll Tax Plazas are Nano and Maruti 800 cars charged at the same rate as a BMW ?

Why are Physically Handicapped NOT INCLUDED in the very Long List of those Exempted at the Toll Plazas ?

Why are  Red Lights  on Cars ( a major traffic hazard ) not checked ? 


Aam Voters and Youth is favouring Congress.

In Jalandhar South constituency Congress Candidate Jagbir Brar is poised to win.

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