Paise 70 less per liter is only a token cut but welcome nevertheless . Now , the Government should decontrol Diesel as well so that ( on Vote Bank considerations ) petrol consumers are not made to cross subsidise diesel.. Secondly , Punjab Government should reduce VAT and stop overcharging petrol consumers who are currently paying nearly Rs. 8 per liter more than in neighbouring Haryana.
In the Assembly elections , massive over charging on petrol and mushrooming Toll Plazas ( where a Nano is charged at the same rate as a BMW ) are going to very important issues for the now awakened Middle Class.
When Octroi ( Choongi ) Abolished in Punjab Why it Continues on Petrol And Electricity ?
Jalandhar Thinkers are discussing that when Octroi ( Choongi ) has been abolished in Punjab ( substituted by VAT ) why is it being continued to be levied on Petrol ( urban areas only ) and on Electricity ( again Urban areas only ).In Punjab Urban Consumers of petrol are paying both Octroi ( Choongi ) and additional VAT ( part of which is supposed to be lieu of Choongi)
Double Whammy !!!