Today , is the 46 Anniversary of Punjab Kesari Jalandhar ( Hindi ) . It is not only pride of Jalandhar but pride of entire country. The Chief Editor Padam Shri Vijay Kumar Chopra is father like figure for Jalandhar and the rest of Punjab.
Punjab Kesari Newspaper was dedicated by its Founder Shaheed Lala Jagat Narain to role model Punjab Kesari Lala Lajpat Rai .
( At the time of its launch Punjab Kesari was priced 15 Paise )
Punjab Kesari Newspaper was dedicated by its Founder Shaheed Lala Jagat Narain to role model Punjab Kesari Lala Lajpat Rai .
( At the time of its launch Punjab Kesari was priced 15 Paise )
i am read panjab kesari today