June 02, 2009

Why " Burning Trains " in India ?

The sight of burning trains has a become recurring and extremely sad feature on news channels. The worst part is that there seems to be any follow up of law and order exercise.

Railways are jugular veins of our country. A great number of middle and low income Indians patronise them. Railways are India's largest employer. It takes the sweat and blood of all railway men right from the humble gang man who keeps a meticulous watch on the tracks to the Chairman of the Railway Board at the top.Imagine the hit their morale takes every time trains are burnt with such callousness. What would foreign countries think of us that we cannot protect our so crucial and valuable properties. Only India's adversaries must be having a "thousand " smiles on their faces.

How can we expect the railways to spend more on safety measures like making more level crossings manned ?

It is the supreme duty of all concerned keep railways out of the sordid game political or social vendettas. Railway authorities should initiate stricter measures to control this form of destruction. For example , States which fail to protect railway property should be denied further investments.

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